The back of this dress features an artistic surprise! As you can see the back continues the pool motif started on the front. I love the close up of the pool and the colors featured throughout the print.
Apparently William wanted to get a closer look and inspect the print for himself! He has quite the artistic eye.
When I first saw this dress it reminded me of Daivid Hockney's work. He is British pop artist who has a penchant for painting swimming pools, among other subject mater. During the 60's and 70's he did a series of paintings all featuring swimming pools in Los Angeles. This one, Portrait of an Artist (Pool with Two Figures) reminds me of the back of my dress.
The following painting by Hockney (also featuring a swimming pool) is probably one of his most famous works. It is titled A Bigger Splash. To me this painting embodies the Southern Californian spirit, especially with the small detail of the director's chair on the patio.
This looks so lovely on you Katie!