Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Cherry Blossoms and Descanso Gardens

This week I am off on spring break, so of course I've planned some fun excursions around Los Angeles and adjacent areas like Palm Springs. Hopefully I will have some fun posts detailing those adventures soon! I've actually been checking a lot of things off of my "to do/see" list lately. For example, a couple of weeks ago I went to Descanso Gardens to check out the cherry blossom trees that were just at their peak. As I wrote about in my earlier post entitled Super Bloom!, the heavy rains of winter made for a spectacular show of flowers in the Los Angeles region and nearby desert areas like Anzo Borrego. Descanso Gardens is a great place to see not only cherry blossom trees but also a host of other gorgeous, colorful flowers.

If you want to see more of what I wore to Descanso Gardens, you can check out my earlier post A Stroll Through the Gardens, which features this gorgeous Kate Spade dress, but in this post I am just featuring some of my favorite photos of the gardens.  Since I don't have much of a green thumb, I always marvel at the beauty of gardens. I wish I could recreate something similar in my yard, but I don't really have a magic touch when it comes to plants. My husband does say our yard doesn't have the best soil, so I'll blame the death of my plants on that!

1 comment:

  1. The dress and those flowers are so perfect together! I love the Spring blossoms and seeing all the bright gorgeous colors out!



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